The book entitled "Forestry: At a Glance" attempts to tackle this moving target by furnishing a good overview of the forestry background, outlining a range of current technologies and discussing a wide variety of applications and future prospects in forests. This text book will find profound utility by the students towards preparation of civil and state service examinations, ICAR Net and Scientists examinations, JRF and SRF examinations and University PG and Ph.D entrance examinations besides meeting other competitive demands of Professional graduates. The book has been designed particularly for the undergraduates, post-graduates, and state forest service, UPSC examinations related to forestry. High priority was given to making the book concerning the various topics of forestry science.
Contents: 1. General forestry. 2. Principles of silviculture. 3. Practice of silviculture. 4. Silvicultural systems. 5. Plantation forestry. 6. Agroforestry. 7. Social forestry and wasteland management. 8. Nursery technology and management. 9. Forest management. 10. Forest mensuration. 11. Forest sampling and inventory. 12. Forest tree improvement. 13. Forest entomology. 14. Forest pathology. 15. Forest surveying and leveling. 16. Forest soils and moisture conservation. 17. Water conservation and irrigation. 18. Forest protection. 19. Forest policies and legislations. 20. Forest ecology and biodiversity conservation. 21. Forest utilization. 22. Non timber forest produces. 23. Wood science and technology. 24. Geology and soil science. 25. Environmental science. 26. Forest economics. 27. Extension education and communication. 28. Ethno-botany and tribology. 29. Wildlife management and conservation. 30. Miscellaneous. Glossary.
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