The Indian heritage is comparable to a confluence that is enriched by several streams, or to a garden from which emanates the rich fragrance of a variety of flowers. The Bhagavadgita preserves the best of the Indian heritage and of the Vedic tradition. The counsel that it offers is not restricted to a rational, empirical, dimension, but an inner experience, a personal discovery, a realization of truth, goodness, beauty and freedom. The quest for a unified vision of man attempted in the present study is from the dominant Hindu way and view of life, and bases itself on the text of the Bhagavadgita. The Gita invites every human being to awaken from delusion and move towards religious conversion, to a religious mode of existence, to be a pilgrim to the absolute. The invitation is to move beyond the purely abstract, theoretical speculations, towards a personal, transforming experience of truth, to enter into a process of progressive growth beyond the confines of time and space, towards total liberation and participation in the divine mode of being. Aiming at a balanced and wholesome understanding of the philosophical insights and the richness of the unfolding cosmic vision, From Delusion to Liberation approaches with humility the vibrant words of ancient traditional wisdom synthesized in this sacred text. Employing the methodology of analysis, interpretation and synthesis, the author makes a comprehensive exploration of the Gita vision of man with a view to enable the reader to savour and relish the wisdom enshrined therein. What emerges is a study that is both scientific and academically sound and offers in a lucid style and language a re-formulation, a re-statement of the perennial truths without any pretensions to be the final, or the most authoritative or the only way of understanding the Gita.
Ajitamahatantra (The Great Tantra of Ajita) (In 5 Volumes)
The Hindu temple is the seat ...
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