The impact study in this book shows that an ‘old-fashioned’ bi-lateral (between the Indian and Dutch government) small scale irrigation project, namely the North Bengal Terai Project, has been very successful in its Phase II. What is more important is that the impact study shows that the project contributed to the empowerment of women of marginal and small farmers’ households. The instalment of simple handpumps has improved the income and health of families and has relieved the women of household drudgery. An increase in decision-makiing power of women in household – and agricultural matters has been found. The accomplishments have been achieved without any involvement of (women’s) NGOs. The underlying wisdom of the success of the project is embedded in the historical context of the farm households in the project area and the autonomy, political ideology and high gender and social awareness of the implementing government staff.
From Heroines to Beneficiaries; From Beneficiaries to Heroines?
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From Heroines to Beneficiaries; From Beneficiaries to Heroines?
1st ed.
317p., Tables; Plates; Maps; Bibliography; Index; 23cm.
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