Frontline Pakistan: The Path to Catastrophe and the Killing of Benazir Bhutto

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After the assassination of Benazir Bhutto, Pakistan stands on the edge of an abyss into which it may plunge the world. As this nuclear power nation, the front line of the West’s struggle against Al Qaeda, enters the worst political crisis in its history, Zahid Hussain’s acclaimed and updated book unravels the key questions: who really controls the country? Will Pakistan be Talibanized? Has Al Qaeda infiltrated the state? After 9/11, Pakistan’s controversial President, Pervez Musharraf stunned the world by announcing his support for America’s ‘War on Terror’. But in Pakistan, as Zahid Hussain reveals, nothing is as it seems. The author documents for the first time in detail the incestuous relationship between Pakistan’s jihadis and its all-powerful military intelligence agency-the ISI. He penetrates the jihadi networks, revealing their sources of funding, and their links with the Taliban and Al Qaeda, and based on exclusive interviews with key players, he shows us the fall-out from Musharraf’s momentous decision to support America. From the dangerous mountain passes of Waziristan to the mess tables of Rawalpindi and the sectarian madrassas of the Punjab, Hussain portrays a country which was already seething with unrest before political violence claimed its highest profile victim in December 2007. As the author shows, whoever was behind the assassination of Benazir Bhutto, its main effect has been to accelerate the country’s fragmentation, creating a level of uncertainty and chaos from which only extremists and terrorists can benefit. Whatever lies in wait for Pakistan-Talibanization, civil war or worse-it will have grave implications for the entire world.


Zahid Husain Qureshi (b. 1952), M.A. Ph.D. Geography (Udaipur). After working in a UNESCO project during 1975 he joined the Geomorphology Section, Central Arid Zone Research Institute (ICAR), Jodhpur as a Research Scholar in 1976. In the CAZRI he received further training in Geomorphology and Remote Sensing while doing research on decertification and prior/buried courses of the Saraswati River in the Thar Desert. Then he was involved for one year (1978-79) in doing research along with a team on palaeo-environment and archaeology of the Thar Desert while working in a UGC project as a Post-Doctoral Fellow of the Poona University at Deccan College, Pune. From October 1979 to March 1997 he carried out research on human ecology of the Northeast India as a Research Associate (Ecology), Anthropological Survey of India, Shillong. Since April 1997 he has been engaged in teaching and research in physical geography as a Reader at North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong. He specializes in geomorphology, environment, ecology and remote sensing. He is Life Member of a few academic societies and also associated with editing of some journals. Till now he was involved in completion of about 10 major research projects/topics, either jointly or individually, and has been able to publish 33 articles/papers in local, regional, national and international journals and books. He has edited a book – Environmental Degradation and Conservation in North East India (1996), and written a book on Geoecology of Kameng Himalaya (2002) to mark the occasion of UN ‘International Year of Mountains 2002’.


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Frontline Pakistan: The Path to Catastrophe and the Killing of Benazir Bhutto
1st ed.

