Educational attainment of children depends to a large extent on the attitude of the teachers towards their profession. A teacher with favourable attitude towards his profession would produce the right type of youths, while the one with an unfavourable attitude towards the profession would produce unbalanced personalities. There is a general feeling that people enter teaching profession with hope, enthusiasm and vigour, but something either in the system of education itself or the social and economic environment of the school demoralizes them, reduce their interest and produce psychologically unfavourable attitude towards the profession. There is an all round perception, among teachers and others, that teachers suffer a great deal of occupational stress. Stress in teaching has a number of problematic outcomes. Thus teachers stress has become a major concern while planning teacher effectiveness. The present study attempts to examine frustration (among teachers) in relation with teacher’s creative ability and other personal characteristics, that produces psychologically unfavourable attitude towards the profession and influences teaches ‘behaviour, teaching style and other related activities.
Towards Islamic Feminism
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