The subject of Guided Missiles encompasses many disciplines and sciences.This publication is intended to provide an undestanding of the different part and how they interact i making up the whole to anyone working in this area. The publication includes within its covers, a detailed description on various topics, Which go tomake up the subject. It has been written primarily as a text book for scientists and engineers of DRDO, who come from diverse engineering backgrounds who desire to work in the field of Guided Missiles. The chapters cover widely different subject like Aerodynamics, Control Engineering, Propulsion, Flight Control, Missile Kinematics, Radar, Infrared, Guidance, and Warheads starting from basics to a reasonable depth, so that the engineers/scientist can take part in meaningful technical discussions on Guided Missile systerms. Though it is written with that prime purpose, it will probably be found useful by other students of Aerospace engineering, as Well.
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