This book is intended to act as a guide to the study of structure of plants. Every student of Botany must have knowledge of the construction of plants and the function of their organs. This book serves their purpose. This is one of the best book ever written on fundamentals of modern botany, i.e., structural botany. Throughout the book the author has followed on the whole of descending order, proceeding from the more complex to the more simple, though there have been many exceptions in this rule, because it is impossible to arrange any set of plants in a single linear series, whether according to increasing or decreasing complexity. If any real knowledge of the subject is to be gained, practical work is essential and it is expected that the teacher should have sufficient training to be able to demonstrate to his class most of the structural features described in this book. A plant like all living things is made up of organs, thus a leaf, a stem, a root or a flower is not merely a part of plant but it is a part which does some definite work for the good of the whole. It is hoped that the students of botany and allied science may derive help from this book and it may awaken in some readers a genuine interest in the study of living things.
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