If hearing sense is developed, one can listen his own composition, composed by the Master Composer of the Universe and by listening it, one can find one’s Master Note also. Not only this, one can remove his diseases with the desired consonnance of the related ‘Note Disk’ situated internally and can attain the desired aims of Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moxha as the ultimate. The prevailing music therapy is still not reliable in want of ‘Chemistry of Music’ without that a Raga’s mood is commonly effective and not curative. This book explains the chemistry of Music, Music Astrology, Science of NOtematter, Relation of Notes with Diseases, Inconsonnance of Note Disks, Subtle Nad and SElf Begotten Note Cure Process, Treatment throught color of Note etc. which open new paths for treatment through Musical Notes.
Human Psychology and Behaviour
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