Gandhi on Personal Leadership

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The process of personal growth and transformation seldom happens "by accident"; it is the product of our conscious choices. This book contains 39 powerful lessons of personal change, gleaned from Gandhi’s life. It offers us invaluable advice on creating and leading an enlightened life-a more meaningful, purpose-driven, self-aware and socially responsible life. Drawing from a diverse range of fields such as psychology, management, leadership, philosophy and spirituality, Anand Kumarasamy explains and illustrates each of these lessons in language that is simple, vivid and highly interesting. These lessons are based on timeless principles which, if deeply reflected upon and integrated into our daily lives, can powerfully transform us while positively impacting the world around us.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Anand Kumarasamy

Anand Kumarasamy holds a Masters degree in Humanities and Social Sciences from the University of technology, Sydney (Australia). He began his career in the field of advertising and public relations, and has worked with several multinational firms, such as McCann-Erickson, Ogilvy Public relations and BASF; he has also done international stints in India, Germany and Australia. After seven years in this field, he sensed a calling in writing -especially on themes and topics dealing with psychology, philosophy and spirituality. This book is the starting point of the Author's larger mission in life, which is to write and speak about ways of living that are more meaningful, fulfilling and harmonious with the environment.


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Gandhi on Personal Leadership
1st ed.