Genetics and Fish Breeding

Champman and Hall Fish and Fisheries Series


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This book on fish genetics is complete in that it deals with genetics for all aspects of fish breeding, whether under captive conditions or within the natural environment. The author have sought to bring a lifetime's interest in fish plus an almost equally long-standing interest in genetics together, into a frame work which provides for a functional assessment of these two subject areas. The breeding of fish under artificial circumstances for food or for recreation or aesthetic needs is of world wide importance. The sustaining of natural populations is likewise of equal importance, whether in connection with the harvesting of the fish for food or in terms of the conservation of natural species against environmental harm. Although genetics is implicated in the consideration of such matters it should not be invoked wantonly, but used in a functionally practical way. This book will be of practical value to scholars and breeders and to anyone else with an interest in fish by presenting a balanced account of practical fish genetics. It is frequently the case that fishery managers – using the designation in its widest sense – are unfamiliar with genetic principles. Likewise geneticists often lack basic knowledge of fish.


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Bibliographic information

8184891409, 9788184891409
xiv+278p., Figures; Tables; Index; 23cm.