The National Atlas and Thematic Mapping Organisation (NATMO) was entrusted by the Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi of the Government of India to organisse the year long programmes to Commemorate the centenary celebrations of Padmabhusan Prof. S. P. Chatterjee, during the period 22nd February 2002 to 22nd February, 2003. In this connection, the NATMO organised the seminar, entitled "National Seminar on Geography and Applied Cartography", from 10th to 12th December, 2002 in collaboration with Prof. S. P. Chatterjee Memorial Foundation, Kolkata. Prof. S. P. Chatterjee, the founder-Director of NATMO, and an earliest exponent of geography in India has made an exceptional contribution in the field of geography in relation to applied cartography. The birth of National Atlas & Thematic Mapping Organisation in 1956 has been the testimony and worthwhile fruit of his hard works and keen efforts. Today, the scope of geography in relation to applied cartography has enlarged in different multi-disciplinary horizons. History reveals that, from the earliest times, human society has needed maps, provided by the geographers. Along with increasing Population pressure on space and resources, more and people are becoming awakened for need and use of various thematic maps. Therefore, the ma-making techniques, i.e. cartographic techniques have changed, modified and developed over past several decades. Thus, the field of applied cartography is now totally oriented with synthetic science, spatial science and environmental science. This research oriented subject deals with a variety of current problems, linking with space applications, automated and computer processing, remote sensing images, geographic information system and digital methods. Since last five decades, NATMO is one of the most important government organisations, which is particularly active in applied cartographic research fostering partnership between professional associations and society. The theme of National Seminar, i.e. Geography and Applied Cartography, chosen by the organizing committee was very right step, enriching the knowledge in the field of cartographic techniques. The publication is the final outcome of the proceedings of the National Seminar on Geography and Applied Cartography. It contains the various presentations, including Keynote Address, Special Lectures-delivered by the eminent persons and papers presented in Different Technical Sessions by distinguished geographers and multi-disciplinary experts from different organisations.
Geography and Applied Cartography
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Prithvish Nag, (b. 1951), M.Sc. (Gold Medalist), Ph.D., is the Director of the national Atlas and Thematic Mapping Organisation (NATMO) of the Ministry of Science and technology, Government of India. He has been the President of the Indian National Cartographic Association, Indian Association of Special Libraries and Information centre, Institute of Indian Geographers, Indian Institute of geomorpholists, Professor S.P. Chatterjee Memorial Foundation and Indian Geographical Foundation. At the international Level, he was the Chairman of the International cartograqphic Association (ICA), Commission on Population Cartography, UN/PCGIAP Committee on Institutional Strengthening for Asia and the Pacific, International Steering Committee on Global Mapping (ISCGM), Working Group on data Standardization, and Full member of the International geographical Union (IGU), Commission on Population geography, and Member, Editorial Board, International Journal on geographical Information System. Dr. nag was the Visiting member of the Staff of the School of Oriental and African Studies, London. He is an Author and editor of over 35 boos and 110 research papers. His well known books are geography of Indian and Digital remote sensing. Dr. nag was UN Consultant in cartography in the Sultanate of Oman and the Surveyor general of India.
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Geography and Applied Cartography
1st ed.
356p., Illustrations; Maps; 25cm.
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