This book presents comprehensive information on the types of geohazards that impact not only the human society but also the natural resources as well. It is a compilation of 19 chapters authored by experts working on characterization and modeling geohazard phenomena and vulnerability of different regions of India towards specific types of geohazards. Individual chapters are devoted to every geohazrd type, detailing it in terms of definition, types, causes, likely impacts on socio-economic milieu and natural environment, methods of mitigation and relief and rescue procedures. In addition, few case studies and a specific chapter on systematics of geohazard vulnerability mapping, information dissemination and relief and rescue operations are also included in this book, making it a treatise on geohazards. Written in a simple scientific language, this book could serve both the teachers and researchers. The book could be a valuable resource for disseminating information on geohazards among beginners, good teaching material for academic institutions and reference material for research institutions. Many a times, ignorance about the characteristics of geohazards lands people and infrastructure at risk. Readers of this book would be relieved from this shortcoming. In this regard, it can be easily stated that this book serves its purpose of disseminating scientific knowledge in an effective way to the public, students and researchers of this discipline.
Geological Hazards: Causes, Consequences & Methods of Containment
by Mu. Ramkumar
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Dr. Mu. Ramkumar, is a faculty member of the Department of Geology, Periyar University, Salem. He is graduate from National College, Tiruchirapalli and post graduate from Annamalai University, Chidambaram, he had worked for his Ph.D. degree in the Bharathidasan University, under the supervision of famous geologist and a revered teacher Prof. V.A Chandrasekaran, on carbonate sedimentology. Dr. Mu. Ramkumar has obtained Post graduate Diploma in Personal Management and labor legislation from Alagappa University. Since completion of Ph. D. Dr. Mu. Ramkumar has worked in various research laboratories viz., IIt- Kharagpur, Andhra University, Karlsure University, Germany and IIT-Bombay before taking up teaching career at Periyar University. His research interested include integrated sequence and chemostraitigraphy, documentation of environmental conditions across K/T boundary, natural disaster management, modeling deltatic evolution, coastal zone management, effluent dissemination capacity of estuaries, etc. in all these fields, he has published more than 125 articles in national and international journals. He has authored two books on computers ( Smart computing under DOS and Smart Computing under Windows) that served as text book for many schools and colleges. Recently ha had published an edited volume entitled “Intellectual Property Rights Demystified”.His research work have been and are being supported financially by Alexander Von Humboldt foundation, Germany, German Science Foundation Germany, department of Science and Technology, New Delhi, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi, University Grant Commission, New Delhi and Oil and Natural gas Corporation, Dehra Dun. He is a recipient of Humboldt fellowship, CSIR Research Associates ship (Scientist Pool Scheme) Award, Young Scientist Award (Twice) and was nominated for S.S. Merh Award. He is a member and honorary fellow of various scientific bodies. He serves as member of panel of reviewers in many National & International Journals and a Member of editorial Board of International journal of Geology and Mining Research.
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Geological Hazards: Causes, Consequences & Methods of Containment
1st ed.
xv+310p., Color Plates; Figures; Maps; Glossary; Index; 25cm.
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