Writing a commentary to Srimad Bhagavad Gita is no easy task. There are literally thousands of commentaries by great personalities of this country and elsewhere, spread over many millennia. There is not a whole lot to say that is either new or insightful. However, reading and understanding the message of Gita for a modern person is not as easy task. There are many guestions raised by Arjuna and as a senior student of Sri Krishna, he asks these questions in an apparent random order. We, who are new to this subject of Adyaathma Vidya or spiritual knowledge, feel much confused and tend to trivialize the message of Gita. This commentary provides a linear exposition of the message than a chapter-by-chapter summary. It is hoped that this would give the reader a coherent picture of the message of Gita. We tend to use the left-brain more than the right, hence this attempt. Needless to say, I have gained immensely by this exercise and I hope you, the reader will also receive a deep understanding of the message of the Gita by reading this linear presentation.
Gita Saagara Saaram: An Introduction to Srimad Bhagavad Gita
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Gita Saagara Saaram: An Introduction to Srimad Bhagavad Gita
1st ed.
Vasantha Srinivasan, 2005
vi+89p., 23cm.
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