Glimpses of Bangladesh Politics: A Comparative Analysis

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Some salient and inherent features of Bangladesh politics are portrayed here in the present book. Topics like – State formation and nation building; Provincial autonomy and Awami league; Reintroducing parliamentary system; the six point formula; Six point -programme: the definition of Autonomy: The strategic fall-out; The Third Intervention; Political consciousness among Muslims; Peripheral capitalism and planning; politico-administrative relation of social welfare; political parties, manifestos and candidates; Politics of administrative reforms; Poorest nation with biggest problems; The state of constitutional politics; Socio-economic measures of Awami League Government; Economic policies (1972-1981); emergence of new nation in multi polar world etc., will prove informative and useful to academics and others equally.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Nagendra Kr Singh

Nagendra Kr. Singh, born in Sept. 15, 1963, is an reputed Orientalist, who has written several important books and edited Encyclopaedia on oriental religion, philosophy and culture. He has done M.A. and Ph.D. and produced several research papers in journal of National and International repute. Presently, he is working as a Director of International Centre for Religious Studies.


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Glimpses of Bangladesh Politics: A Comparative Analysis
1st ed.
viii+310p., 25cm.

