Global Business Process Outsourcing: Concepts and Practices

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Business Process Outsourcing is an arrangement between a client and a BPO provider. In this arrangement, the BPO provider agrees to provide services in some business process to the client for an agreed fee. The benefit to the client is that he is able to concentrate on his core activities and is in a position to outsource his non core activities to the BPO provider. The BPO provider also benefits because he gets business and, if he gets more orders, he gets the benefit of scale. The BPO industry has become very active over the last ten years especially after the improvement in technology and IT infrastructure. The BPO industry has been growing at a very high rate over the last five years and the annual growth rate is around 11%. This has led to some backlash in countries like US and UK where there has been loss of jobs. The industry has a lot of human problems also and retention of employees has become a major issue. In most countries, getting skilled manpower is becoming a big problem. However, there are industry specialists who are forecasting a higher growth in 2007 than in the previous years. India has become the market leader in the BPO industry, but a number of countries like Philippines and China are playing the catch up game successfully. The book discusses the growth of the global BPO industry, the main issues involved and also some major global players.


T.P. Rajmanohar is a Mechanical Engineer and also an MBA from the Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta. Presently he is a faculty member at Icfai Business School Research Center, Chennai. He has around 33 years of industrial experience in various disciplines which include marketing, planning, purchasing and stores functions and also in e-Business. Before joining Icfai, he was in-charge of Materials Management with a medium sized gasket company in Chennai as General Manager.


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Global Business Process Outsourcing: Concepts and Practices
1st ed.