In modern welfare states, the aim of government is to provide good governance. But it does not mean that, government will be overburdened. Again, good governance, which is, maximum development for majority population should be the ultimate end. So the rolling back of the state from major sectors is a viable alternative for effective socio-economic development. This retreat of state has opened floodgates for Civil Society Organizations (CSOs). In an interventionist welfare state lines dividing the civil and political societies get increasingly blurred. Without entering into a deeper debate, one should safely assume that the civil society should compliment the state if desirable, collaborate if possible, and confront if necessary. The idea and the role of civil society have been recognised in the past two decades with the wave of democratization. Civil Society is composed of groups and associations organised voluntarily, devoted to the cause of collective good, independent of state and of any other vested interest. The concept highlights the role of citizens, their action groups and mission-driven community organisations as vibrant modes of people’s participation. CSOs, all over the world treat people’s participation as a tool to fight against socio-economic ills. With this background, this book is an attempt to illustrate the concept of civil society and its intervention in socio-economic fields, by taking experiences from some countries around the world.
Global Civil Society: Perspectives and Initiatives
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Azmal Hussain holds a doctorate degree in Anthropology from Gauhati University. He has handled several action and research ventures independently for different organizations working for the underprivileged and particularly addressing issues like nutrition and education with a focus on women and children. He is also commissioned as a research and documentation expert in the projects sponsored by different development agencies like Lutheran World Relief, Catholic Relief Services, Oxfam, UNICEF etc. Presently, he is working as a Faculty Associate at Icfai Business School Research Center, Kolkata. He has already edited several books in the areas like health, nutrition and community development, published by Icfai University Press.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR Santap Sanhari Mishra
Santap Sanhari Mishra holds an M.A. and an M.Phil in Public Administration from Utkal University. He also holds an M.A. in History from the same university. He is currently working as a Faculty Associate at Icfai Business School Research Centre, Kolkata. Prior to joining Icfai, he worked for Utkal University for four years as a visiting faculty in P.G Department of Public Administration and as an Academic Counselor for Public Administration at University's DDCE.
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Global Civil Society: Perspectives and Initiatives
1st ed.
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