The book considers hazards and risk management in the field of global environment. The Planet Earth is in great turmoil nowadays due to environmental crises. The books considers above issues in a very comprehensive way. Apart from the minor crises there have been very serious environmental crises like Nuclear Leakage in Chernobil in Soviet Russia, Gas Leakage in Bhopal and recently Tsunami Waves crises in Indonesia, Sri Lanka and India. There have been environmental crises happening at various intervals in the world. The United Nations has in co-operation with the member states organized many meetings and conferences to consider over the environmental crises and the help to be given to the crises affected people.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR Chandrashekhar T.
Chandrashekhar T. did his graduation from M.D.S. University, Ajmer. He has Coordinator of World Bank Project IPP (IX) in Rajasthan. His fields of interest are NGOs and he is specialized in environmental studies. Presently he is working for Lift Irrigation Scheme in Chambal. He is also Master Trainer of Total Sanitation Campaign in Rajasthan. he is also Activist of Institute of Integrated Community Development and Environmental Protection, Jaipur.
S. Gaur obtained his M.A. degree from Rajasthan University, Jaipur. He also did his diploma course in Journalism and Mass Communication from Kota Open University, Kota. He is a freelance writer. He frequently writes in different magazines and newspapers both on topical issues as well as on environment. He has contributed a large number of articles to various reputed journals and has authored many books. He has been honoured with many awards. His books have been welcomed by the educational community in India. At present he is Bureau Chief, Rajasthan in SI News Channel.
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