Bursting suddenly on the world scene in the last quarter of the twentieth century, globalization both as process and concept has fast come to dominate contemporary discourse on human affairs. Yet, it is the object of both ardent support and powerful attack. This extensive volume–in the Themes in Political Series–provides a comprehensive view of the debates surrounding globalization and its impact on India. It offers diverse viewpoints against the backdrop of a blending of the economics and politics of globalization. Scholars across the social sciences, policymakers and media specialists, Marxists and liberals, discuss the diffusion of globalization and its causes and consequences. Together they present their views on the role of ideas, interests and institutions in the adjustment to globalization. The introduction provides a broad overview of the nature and development of economic globalization and India’s experience with it. The various readings are organized into five broad sections: the nature of globalization, both in its past and contemporary incarnations; the nature of economic strategy in India that preceded globalization; the shift to economic liberalization and the stimulus for it; the consequences of globalization and the associated process of economic liberalization on India’s relationship with the world; and the impact of these processes, internally, on India’s economy, society and polity. With contributors that include Montek Singh Ahluwalia, Sanjaya Baru, Jagdish Bhagwati, Amartya Sen, and Joseph E. Stiglitz, among others, this volume will be of interest to advanced students and scholars of politics, economics, and political economy, as well as to journalists, policymakers and the informed general reader.
Globalization and Politics in India
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Globalization and Politics in India
1st ed.
Oxford University Press, 2007
xx+590p., Tables; Figures.
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