There has been a lot of interest generated in the functioning and technological potential of pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries in the era of globalization under the aegis of the World Trade Organization (WTO). Many countries the world over have been aspiring to be globally competitive and have been reshaping their respective country policies to gear up to the new challenges thrown up by the WTO. The pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries, among others, are also crucial determinants in the health-care and general healthy growth of population of a country. Therefore, there is a need for a carefully devised comprehensive competition strategy, which is essential for stable and sustained economic development. India has been experimenting and experiencing a number of vicissitudes in the strategy of acquisition of technological competitiveness and economic stability right from the day of attainment of her independence. The present book attempts to analyze and evaluate the industrial and technological policies since the 1950s through to 2005, and relates them to the present context of globalization. Issues relating to competition policies and technology generation, particularly with reference to the Indian pharmaceutical industry have been discussed with carefully drawn empirical evidence.
Tongue Diagnosis in Chinese Medicine
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