This is not a complete autobiography. It is a one-sided, highly subjective account of my search for spiritual understanding and an answer to the question, "Is there anything like enlightenment?" The friends that I have known during my life have all affected me in different ways, some shared my quest and others have had little interest in my so-called inner life. Two teachers who by coincidence have the same given name, J. Krishnamurti and U.G. Krishnamurti played an important role in my life: one introduced me to the search for spiritual enlightenment, that is to know the ultimate reality; the other saved me from the search, the pitfalls and illusions that are all part of the search for liberation. The latter helped me to realize that there is really nothing to find or become. Do the traditional spiritual teachings only lead us away from the real world of everyday living? I had to question this and I came to my own conclusion that the real world is all that there is. The other is only an escape from the hard realities of life.
The Golden Book of Buddhism: Humanity’s Oldest Religion of Peace
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