Going Abroad

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Where to go and how to get there. That is what this bestselling book is all about. It describes not just the procedures and formalities of going abroad — though these are covered in detail — but packs in a whole lot of valuable tips on opportunities available and possible strategies. Useful, up-to-date information and expert advice on: The opportunities offered by the most sought-after countries; How to select the right destination for yourself; How to use the employment and investment opportunities available in different countries for settling abroad; The ins and outs of visa regulations and procedures; Insight into immigration laws and policies of various countries and how to make these work for you; How you can obtain residency and citizenship in various categories: refugee, employment, marriage, retirement, business investment, birth sponsored relatives. Most countries you may be interested in going to have policies aimed at restricting the flow of immigrants and job-seekers, so it is vital that you know precisely what options are open to you and how best to put them to work for you effectively. This book will help you do just that. It is an excellent first-level single source of information about all aspects of going abroad.


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Going Abroad