Growth and Structure of Tertiary Sector in Developing Economies

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he relatively faster growth of tertiary sector vis-a-vis other broad sectors of the economies, as they experience a higher growth rate, has become almost a universal phenomenon. This has given rise to contemporary issues related to this form of economic development. The topicality of this issue is the broad theme of this book. Numerous studies have been devoted to the growth of the agricultural and manufacturing sectors of the developing countries, but the services sector has received far too inadequate attention of the researchers. An attempt has been made in this book to fill this gap.A unique feature of the book is that it attempts to answer the following set of questions in a systematic manner.What is the nature and relative growth of services in developing economies in general, and India in particular? What constitutes services? What are the inter-temporal changes in the composition of the tertiary sector in these economies? Whether faster growth of services vis-a-vis commodity producing sectors is desirable or not? What are the determinants of service sector growth? What role services can play in employment generation and poverty alleviation? Is isolated growth of services sustainable? What are the main drivers of service sector growth in India? What is the significance of trade in services, and what is the potential of trade in health services in India? The book will prove to be a candid, comprehensive and highly useful guide for one and all–from students to teachers, researchers to policy makers–by dealing with questions varying from: concept to composition of services, excessiveness to adequacy of services growth, determinants of service sector employment to drivers of services sector growth, and from sustainability of isolated growth of services to significance of trade in services.


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Growth and Structure of Tertiary Sector in Developing Economies
1st ed.
182p., Tables.