Growth Globalization and Agriculture in India

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The present book title 'Growth Globalization and Agriculture in India' discuss diverse aspects of growth globalization and agricultural development in India. The book brings a unique ringside prospective to the present growth and globalization impact on agricultural sector of recent crucial decades in India's economic development (since 1991). Despite the current upswing in growth, the book attention a number of factors that constraint the performance of the economy. The book articulating comprehensive new economy policy reforms in India. In recent years, the Indian economy has achieved a high growth trajectory becoming one of the largest economies in the world. No doubt, in last two decade the remarkable transformation of Indian economy from slow growing economy to one of the fastest growing economy in the world. Reviewing the background, contest, timing and persistence of economic reforms since 1991 the book describes in fascinating detail of growth globalization and agriculture in India. Hence, the book provides a thorough treatment of contemporary issues. Eloquently presented, the book should be useful to both economist and non-economist alike.


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Growth Globalization and Agriculture in India
1st ed.