Gujarat Perspectives of the Future

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It is difficult to argue with Gujarat’s success –a consistently growing state income, massive contribution to India’s coffers, and high marks in industry, agriculture, and higher education. How did Gujarat come to be India’s second most industrialised state, a toast among experts on economic development" And what lies ahead? In 11 well-researched, well -thought-out essays, some of the country’s leading experts on Gujarat give you the answers. Convincing woven by editor, R. Swaminathan, Gujarat: perspective of the Future taken more than a cursory look at the industrial development that has swiftly taken place in the state. The volume goes deep into the phenomenon, providing analyses for various issues such as the macroeconomic framework for Gujarat’s industrialization and the dynamics of its corollary urban development. More importantly, the book examines the way forward: what challenges await Gujarat? This book makes a compelling argument for a blueprint that will address the state’s serious problems including environmental degradation, discrimination against women, poor heath care and nutrition, and lack of quality basic education. A blueprint which will then, make Gujarat’s remarkable development truly sustainable.


R. Swaminathan is a Senior Fellow with the Observer Research Foundation. A PhD from Jawaharlal Nehru University, he has over ten years of experience in journalism, academics and research. He is a winner of the South Asian Journalists Association (SAJA) Award and is a recipient of the University Grants Commission (UGC) Fellowship. He is also Director of the Mumbai Chapter of ORF.


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Gujarat Perspectives of the Future
1st ed.
357p., Tables; References; 25cm.