Handbook of Common Cattle Diseases and Breeding Management

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Common farmers interest to the subject of breeding and rearing domestic cattle has not ceased even after the onset of modern machines in the Indian agriculture. Cattle are integral to the farmer, if not for working in the fields and carring loads, then certainly for milk production. And hence the students of agricultural sciences must have an active knowledge of various breeds their rearing and upkeep. Cattle care is not confined to the dairyman alone. The greater portions of intelligent agriculturists have perceived the necessity of paying more attention than was formerly devoted to the improvement and perfection of breeds.

In this belief, the present book has been prepared. This book has a vast section devoting to over 70 main diseasese of cattle in India and South-East Asia and suggested remedies which are common and accessible.

While moving to the disease part, forst Common Sickness Types are taken into account, then a formal and detailed listing of Cattle Diseases, Preventions and Treatments ensues.

The book is a general and complete guide and provides basic substance to proceed on practical cattle business. Serious amateurs, students and even departments can refer to this book as elementary yet indispensable cattle rearing manual.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Robert P Jennings

Robert P. Jennings is a dairy scientist in Holland who has worked on several projects related to India and its cattle. His father too was a prolific writer and dairy expert. The author shares his viewpoint about the farming and cattle rearing. With a career of about 40 years in various capacities of a college teacher, government advisor, planner and Animal disease expert, he is now settled in Holland and plans to start his cattle and hay equipment design.


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Bibliographic information

Handbook of Common Cattle Diseases and Breeding Management
1st ed.
8178885794, 9788178885797
viii+308p., Figures; 23cm.