Handbook of Myxosporean Parasites of Indian Fishes

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This handbook is a continuing collaborative effort of documenting catalogue and State Fauns Series to provide a true identification manual related to Myxosporean Parasites of Fishes that is up-to-date, dependable, exciting and challenging. Its major goal is to emphasize the central role of detection and determination of piscine Myxosporean Parasite occurring in India that occupied a paramount position in aquaculture and fisheries. With the growing need from traditional to intensive and semiintensive piscicultural practices, the very survival of commercially important cultivated fishes is at stake, because of easy spread of Epizootic Diseases in organically rich crowded freshwater pond ecosystem. It is, thus, imperative that fish farmers, fishery entrepreneurs and researchers of fisheries and pathobiology be informed and acquainted about diagnosis of the diseases, identification of the species as well as parasitological and pathological issues. This handbook is useful not only for students and researchers but also for fishery owners with only a minimal background in biology to aware and facilitate recognition of Myxosporeans and their pathogenic effects.


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Handbook of Myxosporean Parasites of Indian Fishes
1st ed.
vi+302p., Plates; Figures.