Turmeric, the magic medicine of ancient India is as relevant and useful today as it was during the days of Acharya Charak, the great physician of ancient India. It is used as a colouring agent in pharmacy confectionary and food industry. The turmeric because of some of its strong antioxidants compounds inhabits the synthesis of aflatoxins. The volatile oil of turmeric is effective in bronchial asthma. The research monograph covers history of turmeric, trade in turmeric, synonyms in Sanskrit, turmeric in Sanskrit literature, botanical, description, chemical constituents, biological activity, estimation of curcumin, curing of turmeric, parts used, medicinal use, folklore medicine, as a raw drug sold in the market, preparations, turmeric creams, patenting or intellectual. Property rights, cultivation of turmeric, micro propagation of turmeric, mechanism of action of antimicrobial, drugs, range of antibiotic action, review of literature, bacteriology of test organisms, materials and methods, interpretation of results, summary and literature cited. The monograph will be useful for the researchers, teachers and students of botany, microbiology, pharmacy, ayurveda home science, agricultural sciences and those interested medicine.
Haridra (Turmeric): Antibacterial Potential
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Haridra (Turmeric): Antibacterial Potential
1st ed.
124p., Figures; Index; 22cm.
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