Health and Development: Ageing Disability and Gender Issues

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Health and socioeconomic development are so closely intertwined that is impossible to achieve one without the other. Without health, development is not possible and without development, health is not sustainable. While the economic development in India has been gaining momentum over the last decade, our health system is at crossroads today. Despite the government initiatives in public health, such as well planned medical strategies which are administered under appropriate authorities, significant technical skills in many fields and an extensive network of public health institutions for research, training and diagnostics, the public health facilities available to the citizens are not satisfactory.

This volume contains a wide range of scientific papers authored by social work educators, practitioners, professionals from allied disciplines and research scholars from different parts of the country, in order to deliberate on various issues relating to health and development. The broad themes covered by the research papers include Health and development, Gender issues, Women, Children and the Aged.


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Health and Development: Ageing Disability and Gender Issues
1st. ed.