Health, Environment and Sustainable Development: Perspectives and Issues

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This book is an outcome of the data based research carried out by the researchers and scholars to bring out wide ranging issues focusing on four major parts, viz., Environment and Health: Its In-relationship, Climate and Health: Its Inter-relationship, Health and Sustainable Development, and Health Issues Related to Special Groups. The first section deals with the Household Environmental and Health of Family Members based on recent studies conducted in India, Evidence and Policy Implications related to the Inter-relationship between Environmental Factors and Health in India, Environmental Determinants of Health, Influence of Environmental Factors on Child Survival based the NFHS-3 data, Inter-relationships between Environment, Occupation and Health among Stone Crushers of Balasan River Bed, and Environmental Constraints and Health Infrastructure in Navi Mumbai. Role of Climate Change, Natural Disasters and Safe Drinking Water and Sanitation in affecting the Human Health in terms of Review of Studies and evidence based research has been critically examined in part two. In section three, the importance of Health and Sustainable Development at macro and micro levels has been highlighted. In the final part of the book, the focus is on health issues related to special groups that include Women and Child Health in India, Private Public Partnership in Urban Health Care in an urban setting of Andhra Pradesh, Autonomy and Social Networking of Tribal Adolescent Girls in Jharkhand, Risk Behaviour among Injecting Drug Users in Mumbai and Role of Domestic Violence in affecting Child Nutrition in India based on the NFHS-3 data. Discussing a wide gamut of aspects under the broad themes related to environment, health and sustainable development though not an easy task, in this volume a modest beginning is made to have better understanding of these issues in a lucid manner. This book would be more useful for policy makers, programme managers as well as researchers and academicians who are involved in research and teaching in health, environment and sustainable development.


Dr. N. Audinarayana (b. 1955) is currently working as a Lecturer in the Department of Population Studies, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. After completing his M.A., (Population Studies) with first class from S.V. University, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, he joined in the same department and further completed M. Phil. and Ph.D., in 1980 and 1985, respectively. He has contributed about a dozen papers/articles for professional journals and is also co-author of two reports viz. (i) Annotated Bibliography of Studies on Age at Marriage in India and (ii) Demographic Consequences of a Development Project: A Study of Girna Irrigation Project, Maharashtra State, India. He is also a member of IASP, AFDFS and IUSSP.


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Health, Environment and Sustainable Development: Perspectives and Issues
1st ed.
xix+398p., Illustrations; 22cm.