Health Exercises for Women & Girls

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The world is moving towards a new age of freedom, equality and progress under the pressure of a new Truth and a new Consciousness. Some people are aware of it; many are not. But that does not matter. The movement is going all right in the individual and in collective life: there is unrest, turmoil and upheaval everywhere; old bases and old values are getting shaken and are gradually yielding place to the new. Women, whether in India or elsewhere, or no exception to this universal trend, and are coming forward making their presence felt in every sphere of life. It is also being recognized in an increasing measure that women too must equip themselves for their changing role; that they should be physically fit, strong and healthy through regular physical exercise, proper and adequate food, sufficient rest and sleep, hygienic habits, a regular life and a happy, cheerful disposition.


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Health Exercises for Women & Girls
1st ed.
22p., Illustrations; 14cm.