Heavy Metals in the Environment (Curse or Boon)

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This book has been written in response to the need for an up-to-date and practical resource that provides a clear-cut differentiation between heavy metals and general metals, their management in the environment and toxicological and safety-related aspects of various heavy metals. Generally, heavy metals are considered a dreaded lot. This book dispels certain myths about heavy metals and provides an insight into their essential role as micronutrients in our living system. Heavy metals have a widespread industrial use. Their release in the environment causes pollution and as a result substantial disturbances in the ecosystem. Mother earth can absorb these shocks within its assimilating capacity and can correct the environmental damage by natural biological processes. The book, in general, is beneficial and informative to all those who are interested in our environment. It has been a sincere effort to provide all possible information on heavy metals at one single place. Inclusion of analytical techniques for determination of heavy metals and relevant environmental legislation makes the book a thorough and comprehensive one.


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Heavy Metals in the Environment (Curse or Boon)
1st Ed.
x+182 p.