Herbal First Aid and Health Care

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As many medical dogmas and beliefs are beginning to fall into disfavor, the benefits of natural healthcare are enjoying a renaissance. Herbal traditions are passed down from one generation to the next for one simple reason: They work. Herbal treatment should not be construed a inferior when compared to using drugs. When properly administered, herbs can be just as effective and often more effective than their pharmaceutical counterparts as applied in first aid. Many of the most useful first aid texts require prescription drugs that only a licensed medical doctor has access to. The strength of Herbal First Aid and herbal medicines is that not only does it work, but it will always be available to each of us, as long as we have the earth, water and sunshine. Science is validating what the ancients have taught us all along. Herbal Medicine is a powerful and effective form of treatment that should not be overlooked. By combining the benefits of medical lifesaving knowledge and herbal wisdom, you will be able to give the very best immediate care or ‘First Aid’. Keep this handbook in your Herbal first Aid Kit or where it will be on hand for quick reference.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Kyle D. Christensen

Kyle D. christensen, D.C., N.D., M.H., Is a practicing Chiropractor, master herbalist and naturopathic physician. His expertise lies in treating a myriad of conditions using herbal cleanses, allergy elimination (BioSET), natural therapies and chiropractic helath care. Dr. Christensen is the director of a multi-disciplinary health center in Citrus Heights, California. He is also a co-founder of Western Botanicals Inc., an herbal manufacturing company, which specializes in organic herbal remedies.


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Herbal First Aid and Health Care
1st ed.
xiv+306p., Figures; Bibliography; Index; 22cm.