Economic development of the villages and prosperity of the farmers are the two un-separable parts of the Indian development and its place in the neo-world order, where farmers form 85% of the society. Whether, it is drought or low productivity or an order of market surplus, does not ruffle the sentiments of the farmer. Farmer is content with whatever he gets in return. Indian system is such, where farmer has not been reckoned as the major player of the economic development but left to the mercy of the nature. His faith and confidence always rested on the nature with which he has learnt to play. Herbs are the plants which he finds around him but unable to understand the values, properties and their usefulness, secrets enshrined in them for his benefit in the form of herb culture, culinary usage, medicinal values and above all spread of fragrance of culture and love and saving the beautiful environment around him through Bio-conservation. It is through this manuscript that the authors have endeavoured to bring the unknown friends (HERBS) around them to the farmers' knowledge and their easy culture and marketability on the basis of the growing demand in the western world, who has very recently started looking to the herbal therapies, products, essential oils from the east, which is the virtual home of all these.
Herbs: Culinary, Medicinal, Aromatic : Secrets and Human Happiness
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Herbs: Culinary, Medicinal, Aromatic : Secrets and Human Happiness
1st ed.
xii+273p., Photos.
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