Higher Bureaucracy Development

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This book is a critical study of the role of higher bureaucracy in the fast changing socio-economic situation in Kerala. The themes discussed in the book includes the concept and theories relating to the role of higher bureaucracy in development, the socio-political and administrative context in which the higher bureaucracy functions, the socio-economics and educational background of higher bureaucracy, their role in policy formulation and implementation, the relationship between higher civil servants and politicians, and the bureaucracy’s attitude and perception towards people and vice verse. The study reveals the fact that the higher civil servants advice the political leadership in major policy decisions. At the same time there exists a wide gap between the lofty objective of the bureaucracy and actual achievement. Majority of the civil servants lost their will to fight against gross political interference and injustice. A conscientious civil servant who takes an independent position does not get support from political leadership or from his own colleagues. Every issue got politicized and the corrupt politicians need civil servants to be their collaborators. In this way the politico- bureaucratic nexus appropriates large national resources through the power of decision making. They try to exercise power to manage society and also try to maximize individual advantage.


Dr. S.R. Jitha, Lecturer (Sr. Scale), Postgradiate & research department of Political Science, Sree Narayana College, Kollam, affiliated to Kerala University, has a bright academic career. She obtained her M.A., M.Phil and Ph.D. degrees in Political Science from the department of political Science, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram. She has been teaching graduate and postgraduate classes for the last several years. She has participated in a number of National and International seminars related to Political Science and Human Rights and presented papers.


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Higher Bureaucracy Development
1st ed.
336p., Tables; Figures; References; Maps; Bibliography; Index; 23cm.