This study is the first of its kind which presents an up-to-date history of Buddhism of the entire Himalayan region of India and its Neighbours. Its first part covers Himalayan India, com prising as many as nine states or parts thereof, from Ladakh in the north-west to Arunachal Pradesh in the north-east. And the second part covers Bhutan, Chittagong Hill Tracts (Bangladesh), Nepal, Tibet, and Tibetans in India. The study highlights the important and essential elements of Himalayan Buddhism, viz. the land and the people, the introduction and development of Buddhism in each area, royal patronage, monks and monasteries, and culture and society. Another significant aspect of this study is that it is not confined only to the past but it deals with the present status and future prospects of Himalayan Buddhism as well.
Himalayan Buddhism: Past and Present
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Himalayan Buddhism: Past and Present
1st. ed.
288p., 8 B/W Illustrations; 9.0 inch X 6.0inch
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