The Himalayas having the loftiest chain of mountains in the world is a single geographical feature that embrace 500,000 sq. km. in its confines and have a wide range of landuse types, varied forests, complex biogeographical history and a vast array of faunal and floral species. This book in its first part gives a critical analysis and an authentic picture of entire Himalayan scenario from interpretation of satellite imagery and aerial photographs. The study also includes two foreign countries viz., Nepal and Bhutan. The second part deals with biogeography of entire eastern India with special reference to Arunachal Pradesh ‘the Himalayan Gateway’ and the study includes various aspects of endemism, migration floral and faunal elements and endangered species. The third part forms the bulk of the work which gives a comprehensive picture of ecology and botany as the study was based on sound statistical design. The districts of Darjeeling and Jalpaigure were selected for study as the area was representative of the flora of eastern Himalayas and can be usefully utilised by the scientists and others of the entire area. The study covers trees, herbs, shrubs, climbers, grasses, epiphytes and ferns of the area. The findings may be taken as a prototype ecological work on any of the eastern Indian States.
Environmental Management
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