Ingroup and outgroup perceptions of various religious, caste and sect groups play vital roles in intergroup relations and amity. These relations have become very important in such an age of intergroup tensions, riots and terrorism. The schemes and efforts of making and maintaining relationships between various groups will be futile if are not based on facts and actual existing perceptual spectrum of the groups. The book fulfils this need and attempts to present systematically the inter and intra-religious relations based on empirical findings of the ingroup and outgroup perceptions, ethnocentrism and prejudices of Hindus and Muslims; of caste Hindu and scheduled castes of Hindu religion; and Sunni and Shia sects of Islam religion. This book will surely be of immense use for planners, social workers and researchers of intera and inter-group relations and amity in India.

Hindu-Muslim Relations
by N. Hasnain
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Nazirul Hasnain is Head of Department of Psychology at Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi. A graduate from Gorakhpur University, he went on to study Psychology at the Aligarh Muslim University for his Master’s. He was awarded Fellowship for his Ph.D. by the University of Rajasthan. He was a lecturer at Jamia Millia Islamia for three years. After serving Higher Education, Uttar Pradesh Government for fifteen years, he rejoined Jamia Millia Islamia as reader in 1995. Dr. Hasnain has guided more than a dozen students for their Ph.D. degree. He has directed many research projects sponsored by ICSSR and UGC. He is author of three books and one monograph and has published over fifty research papers. His recent book, Hindu-Muslim Relations has earned wide appreciation from social scientists. Nowadays, he is busy in editing a book Psycho-Social Dimensions of Muslims: The Post Independence Scenario. Dr. Hasnain has directed and organized national seminars. He has also published five psychological tests, and acted as resource person in many seminars and workshops.
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Hindu-Muslim Relations
1st ed.
vii+125p., Bibliography; Index.
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