Hindu Mysticism: Studies in Vaisnavism and Tantricism (In 2 Volumes)

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Dr. Mahendra Nath Sircar is a philosopher of international reputation who has made his mark by his solid contributions to philosophy and religion and this the latest product of his fecund pen does ample justice to him both by its depth of matter and lucidity of manner. It is a significant contribution to the understanding of Hindu mysticism in the most comprehensive sense of the term, giving us wealth of information, subtle, appropriate and suggestive criticism and a constructive approach to one of the most fundamental problems of human thought in an original manner. The book is divided in two Parts, the first Part dwelling at length upon Vaisnavism in its mystical aspect and the second Part Tantricism from the same point of view. Dr. Sircar, who is well-known in the country and abroad as a great philosopher in its true sense, has now become specialized in the Mystical Tantric Sadhana, and is therefore rightly entitled for discourses on the subject. He has tried his best to make the subject-mattes intelligible to the general readers, through his lucid and simple style of expressions. The book is definitely a valuable work which is expected to be a distinct addition to the world’s stock of knowledge on the subject of mysticism from the Vaisnavic and Tantrik standpoints.


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Hindu Mysticism: Studies in Vaisnavism and Tantricism (In 2 Volumes)
1st ed.
xiv+171p., xii+212p., Index; 23cm.