Contents: Introduction. I. The Brahmanical tribes: 1. The Brahman in relation to the Past, the present and the future. 2. Genealogy of the Brahmanical tribes, and the classification of their orders according to their observance of the Vedic rituals. 3. Ten principal Brahmanical tribes. 4. The Sarjuparia or Sarwariya Brahmans. 5. The Bhuinhar Brahmans. 6. The Jijhotiya Brahmans. 7. The Sanadhiya Brahmans. 8. The second tribe of Gaur Brahmans. 9. The third tribe of Gaur Brahmans. 10. The Fourth tribe of Gaur Brahmans. 11. The Fifth tribe of Gaur Brahmans. 12. The five Dravira Tribes of Central and Southern India. 13. The second tribe of Dravira Brahmans. 14. The third tribe of Dravira Brahmans. 15. The Fourth tribe of Dravira Brahmans. 16. The Fifth tribe of Dravira Brahmans. 17. Supplementary tribes of Brahmans. II. The Kshatriya or Rajpoot tribes: 1. Social position of Rajpoots. 2. Gahlot or Grahilot tribes. 3. The Tomara or Tuar, Barwar, Rathor and Kachhwaha tribes. 4. The Agnikulas or fire races. 5. The Chauhan tribe. 6. The Gaur, Amethiya, Kathariya, Gaharwar, Bundela, Kinwar, Bijhoniya, Bijheriya, Agastwar and Gain Tribes. 7. The Chandela, Sengarh, Sakarwar, Kausik, Dangast, Kachhaura, Barhaiya, and Horiya or Horaiya tribes. 8. The Bais, Chananiya or Chanamiyan, and Garg or Gargbansi Tribes. 9. The Gautam, Dikshit, Pachtoriya, Sirnet, Durgbansi, Dhrigubansi, Raghubansi, Sri Mat Sonwan, Biuriha, and Bhathariya or Batauriya tribes. 10. The Hayobans, Bachalgoti, Monas, Bisen, Rajpusi, Raikwar, Sarpakhariya, Dhanis, Lathor, and Patsariya tribes. 11. The Yadu or Jadubansi, Banaphar, Bhrigubansi, Baharwaliya or Barhauliya, Surajbansi, Chandrabansi, Sombansi, Nagbansi, Kanpuriya, Januturwa, Sonak, Tashaiya, Sarwar or Surwar, Ujain; Dhanawast, Chaupata Khambh, Bhanwag, Niniarwar, Nanwag, Karamwar, Sangjal, Surhaniya, Palwar or Paliwar, Singhel or Singali, Patili and Hardwar Tribes. 12. The Jat and Gujar Tribes. 13. The Donwar, Lautamia, Kakan, Sukalbans, Kulhan, Mahror or Mahrawar, Rawat, Teha, Chakwain, Rora, Baheriya and Khasiya Tribes. III. Mixed castes and tribes–Vaisyas, Sudras, and Others: 1. On the social and political relations of the Vaisyas and Sudras. 2. Sects of devotees and religious mendicants. 3. Bards, musicians, singers, dancers, buffoons and c. 4. Castes of bankers, merchants and traders. 5. Castes of traders (Continued). 6. Castes of traders (Continued). 7. Small traders. 8. The writer caste. 9. Goldsmiths and jewellers; artisans and manufacturers; potters and ropemakers; Braziers, Iron-smelters and c. 10. Agricultural castes, Pawn growers and sellers. 11. Castes of herdsmen, shepherds and c. 12. Castes of personal attendants and servants. 13. Castes of weavers, thread-spinners, Dyers, Boatman, Salt-manufacturers and others. 14. Hunters and fowlers. IV. Aboriginal tribes and inferior castes: 1. The Bhar tribe. 2. The Cheru, Tharu, Seori, Kol, Kharwar, Kairwar and Bawarya tribes. 3. Gipsies, jugglers, rope-dancers, snake-charmers, thimble-riggers and robbers. 4. Workers in leather, labourers, servants, workers in cane and palm leaves, scavengers. 5. Village watchmen, poulterers, burners of the dead. 6. Inferior castes living chiefly on the borders of towns and villages or in the Jungle.
Hindu Tribes and Castes as Represented in Benaras
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Hindu Tribes and Castes as Represented in Benaras
1st ed.
xxxiv+406p., 11 B/w Figures
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