This book sets out major beliefs and practices which form Hinduism today. It is about living religion – what it is to be Hindu in today's world. It depicts the rich colour and diversity of the many dimensions of Hinduism and deals with the fundamental beliefs which underpin the religion. Contents include the Hindu concept of God; samsara, the cycle of reincarnation; karma, the law of course and effect; dharma, what is right; moksa, the final goal of enlightenment. Hindu scriptures include sruti and smrti literature, the Mahabharat, The Bhagavad Gita and the Ramayana. There is a chapter on Gods and Goddesses: Vishnu the Preserver, Krishna, Siva, the auspicious Ganesh, and the Mother Goddess. Other chapters explain worship in the home and temple, Hindu sysbols, food and caste, festivals and pilgrimages, and life cycles in the Hindu family – particularly, birth, marriages and death. The history and tradition of Hinduism is dealt with in relation to the Indus valley civilization, the Vedic period, the Vedanta, and devotional Hinduism. The book contains a glossary of Hindu terms.
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