Historical Perspectives of Education: Concepts, Tendencies and Their Expansion

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This book takes into account the development and changes in education process and design across ages. It starts from the Roman Civilization in the west and Vedic period in India through Mauryan Era and modern times.

The construct of the book owes much to respected Ellwood P. Cubberley who taught in Stanford University as Professor of Education. Cubberley also was a visiting professor on the History of Education at both Harvard University and Radcliffe College, and while serving in this capacity he began to work on what finally evolved into his famous book of educational history accompanied with the book of illustrative readings.

The present adopted edition is particularly prepared for the students and has been pruned and tuned for Indian syllabuses while a special chapter on the development of Indian educational environment been added.

A civilization such as we enjoy today, with roots so deeply embedded in the past as is ours, any adequate understanding of world practices and of present day world problems in education calls for some tracing of development to give proper background and perspective.

The treatment will prove to be of such practical value that it will contribute materially in restoring the subject to the position of importance it deserves to hold, for students, research mentors and common reader.


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Historical Perspectives of Education: Concepts, Tendencies and Their Expansion
1st ed.