The first volume of the history of Indian Medicine is now offered to the public. It is now many years since I undertook and completed the book. I submitted it as a thesis for the Griffith Prize for original research; "Notices Biographical and Bibliographical of the Ayurvedic Physicians and their works on Medicine." It was commended and the prize was awarded in 1911. I regret that so long a time has elapsed in the publication of the book. During the last few years there have been advances in the study of history of medicine. Consequently, in this edition, not only has revision been exhaustive, but many positions have been entirely recast and largely re-written. While this volume represents data and conclusions drawn from individual research, it is at the same time largely indebted to the works of others. References have been given to all the authorities and original sources as far as possible.
Studies On Madhva’s Visnutattvanirnaya
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