The entire medical world is upset and alarmingly perturbed at the sudden emergence of ‘Killer Diseas’ Known as AIDS and to its utter dismay, the modern science of medicine has no weapons in its arscent has no weapons in its arsenal to fight this hydraheaded monster. The WHO, the most organized body of the word, concerned with health, regrets in all its frankess, "that neither vaccines nor chemoprophylactic drugs are likely to be available in the near future". In the absence of anti-AIDS drugs, the AIDS sufferings and in their sufferings and in their dire helplessness thousands and in their dire helplessness thousands of them run to nutritionists, acupuncturists, herbalists, hypnotists and yoga instructors; but probably with no effect. At this despairing and glomy hour, the author looks at the services of Homoeopathy as an asset to the world of medicine for providing remedies to this ‘Killer-disease’. In view of the fact that the modern investigations and researches have made it clear that AIDS is associated with the venereal diseases, the author feels that the modern investigations and researches have made it clear that the modern investigations have corroborated the Hahnemannian theory of miasms-syphilis, Sycosis and Psora-to be at the root of all human maladies and as such Homoeopathic remedies are anti-syphilitic, antisycotic and antipsoric that work miracles when used judiciously according to the symptoms.
Homoeopathy An Anti-AIDS Treatment
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Homoeopathy An Anti-AIDS Treatment
1st ed.
84p., References; 21cm.
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