Homoeopathy in Theory & Practice

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The booklet offers helpful guidelines to the selection of important homeopathic remedies in the best possible manner.Various aspects covered in this work includes clinical usage,key pointers,dosage & repetition & relations well detailed.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR M. Douglas Borland

Dr. Borland qualified MB, ChB at Glasgow University in 1909. After various hospital posts he went to Chicago to study under Dr Kent, going as an open-minded sceptic and returning as an astonished and convinced homoeopath. He then took an appointment at the London Homoeopathic Hospital, followed by active service during World War I with the Royal Army Medical Corps. After the war he established a consultant practice in London and returned to the staff of the London Homoeopathic Hospital, where he subsequently became senior consultant physician and chairman of the staff. He died in 1960. Dr Priestman worked under Dr Borland during her post as resident at the London Homoeopathic Hospital, following this by a career in a general homoeopathic practice. She has now retired from practice, and is active in teaching homoeopathy.


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Bibliographic information

Homoeopathy in Theory & Practice
1st ed.
8170213355, 9788170213352