The key features are: Only and first book of its kind exclusively related to horticultural term-differences and terminology. Contains two hundred term differences and a lot of well defined terms related to the subject. Most of the term-differences have been made by the author himself which could not be found in any other text/reference book in readily available form. All the terms and term-differences are exclusively related to horticulture and have been defined with appropriate examples. The range is so great that anybody from any discipline of agriculture and plant sciences will be able to dip into this compendium to find wider and perceptive knowledge. The book is designed to explain authentic and exact definition of horticultural terms, and sound and clear differences between two technical terms. Immensely valuable for students, researchers, academicians, and subject experts of agri-horticulture and other plant sciences in pursuits of their academic goals, competitive examinations and interviews. Active workers, teachers, scientists, and students in the field of horticulture, agriculture and other plant sciences will certainly like to keep this book on their shelves.
Agricultural Engineering
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