How Maps Works: Representation, Visualization, and Design

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This classic work presents a cognitive-semiotic framework for understanding how maps work as powerful, abstract, and synthetic spatial representations.  Explored are the ways in which the many representational choices inherent in mapping interact with information processing and knowledge construction, and how the resulting insights can be used to make informed symbolization and design decisions.  A new preface to on this edition situates the book within the context of contemporary technologies.  As the nature of maps continues to evolve, Alan Maceachren emphasizes the ongoing need to think systematically about the ways people interact with the use spatial information.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Alan M. Maceachren

Alan M. Maceachren is currently Professor of Geography and Director of the Geo VISTA Center at The Pennsylvania State University.  In addition to researching cognitives and semiotic aspects of how maps work, he is active in the development of interactive systems for geographic visualization and in understanding and enabling group work with geospatial information and technologies.  He is the author of Some Truth with Maps and coeditor of Visualization in Modern Cartography.


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How Maps Works: Representation, Visualization, and Design
xiii+513p., Figures; Maps; References; Index; 26cm.