The Muslims are at present experiencing the severest of trials and the worst of ordeals. The effective remedy for them lies in the perception of whether their issues are vital or not, and in the undertaking of a life and death measure towards every vital issue. This is particularly necessary if the issue in question encompasses all the vital issues put together. As long as this perception is not achieved in a manner that dominates over the souls of people and the atmospheres around them, the Muslims will continue to be in a constant state of decline and degeneration, and they will never rise among the nation. Therefore, it is incumbent upon the Muslims to discern their vital issues and to have their perception of these issues find its way to the hearts, the souls and general atmospheres around them so that it becomes a perception that drives them towards undertaking what the vital issues necessitate in terms of life and death measure; and this with an unshakable resolve and unrelenting zeal. This is the point at issue, and this is the basis of all that which the Muslims are attempting to undertake in order to deal with the reality they are currently facing. The reality of the Muslims today is sensed by every Muslims; it does not require any explanation nor does it necessitate any elaboration. Their lands are ruled by Kufr systems, thus they are conclusively Kufr homeland. They are divided into more than four type of entities, including states, emirates, Sultanates and Sheikhdoms. They are too weak to stand up to the Kuffar. Hence the primary issue of concern for every country in the Islamic world is to becomes Islamic homeland and then unite with the rest of the Islamic countries. This issue is a vital issue; it is moreover the whole of the vital issues put together; thus it is imperative to undertake the necessary measures as a matter of life and death.
How the Khilafah was Destroyed
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How the Khilafah was Destroyed
1st ed.
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