This book draws its idea from a discussion among friends, on the necessity of a brief guide imparting knowledge on Islam to Muslims and non-Muslims. The idea kept lurking in the mind till I got the much-coveted leisure and peace of mind for the proposed endeavour. I seek to introduce Islam in practice so that its teachings can be vividly seen in flesh and bones from the stories of good Muslims who have practised these teachings trough history. Towards the end of the book different types of prayers to be recited by good Muslims, have been added, along with some special prayers recited by the Prophet of Allah and the God-fearing Muslims at the times of difficulty. If this system of life is adopted by Muslims all the world over, the reward with Allah for such people would be beyond all human estimates. The purpose of writing this book is mere dissemination of useful Islamic knowledge and not any involvement in the problems of polemics or jurisprudence.
Vedic Hertage of India
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