The importance of teacher in educational set up is unquestionable. She plays a vital role in teaching-learning process upon whose competency and efficiency the standard of education depends. To provide sufficient supply of high quality recruits to the teaching profession, providing them with the best possible preparation and creating satisfactory conditions of work can influence the quality of education. If a teacher is uninspiring and is a square peg in a round hole, even a school fully equipped at heavy cost will not serve as a temple of learning. To become a successful, committed and competent teacher the role of the teacher has to be shifted from decision maker to facilitator, from instructor to cooperator and from master to teacher. Efforts have been made to find out criterion of successful teachers in terms of different characteristics. The successful teachers are more understood, warm, friendly, responsible, systematic, stimulating, imaginative and enthusiastic than less successful teachers. Thus ‘good teacher’ is a relative term and required many qualities. Field evidences, for instance reveal that teacher educators need to fine tune their mindset and practice, and set in motion the change process for professional development. With the emergence of constructivism, it is important that student teachers develop knowledge on how learners construct knowledge and they should also be capable of providing learners knowledge construction. The knowledge the learner brings to school forms the key component for learning and the teacher needs to build bridges between what the learner knows and the new ideas that is to be learned. Through an in-depth analysis this book gives practical suggestions and invaluable inputs to teachers, teacher educators and policy makers to realize the importance of successful/competent teachers in the teaching profession vis-?-vis in framing future policy related to teacher preparation in the country to meet the challenges of globalization.
How to Become a Competent/Successful Teacher
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How to Become a Competent/Successful Teacher
1st ed.
xvi+179p., Tables; Bibliography; 23cm.
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