Many of us go about in the world like rudderless ships, drifting with the tides of time, not able to steer our ship in right direction, not Knowing even the destination, not knowing even the destination. The goal that Gurus and saints set for man is very difficult, but not impossible to achieve. They call upon man-an image of imperfection-to improve so as become God-like. Isn’t it a tall order, considering the lowly nature that man often dispays? ‘ Enmities, strife, lust, wrath, attachment to wordly things, lies sins, excessive greed and deception-practising these, man passes many births’- (Guru Arjan). But it is in man to imbibe godly qualities. How can one attain these- that is the question. All want to live happily throughout their lives and their formula fro a happy life is: accumulate riches and everything else will shape well. How far is this true? If it is not completely true, then what can man do to achieve happiness- happiness for ever? First of all, does man know himself? More often than not, he does not. How to know our self? For knowing oneself may be the first step towards self-improvement. Of course, life does pose inconvenient questions and these have to be answered. It raise knotty problems which have to be solved, for one must live on. To find answers and solve problems, one needs to have an inspiring guide and that guide is the Holy Word of the saints and Gurus. It never disappoints. Is death really such a horrible thing that the very mention of it should send a shudder down one’s spine? Can one prepare to make one’s death painless, a smooth transition from the life here to the one hereafter, or (though rarely) a really blissful experience? One may, in this context, recall to one’s mind what Kabir said.’kabir, death which gives fright to the entire world, gives joy to may mind, for on dying one attains God, the source of perfect bliss The book provides answers to these and other questions
How to Live & Die: Power of Name Divine
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How to Live & Die: Power of Name Divine
Ist ed.
xi+202p., Index; 23cm.
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